Feb 24, 2013


Last week I borrowed the one English book named "1Q84" written by Haruki Murakami. This book was published in 2009 at first, and there are 3 series. It is amazing as well as Kafka on the shore. His book is always difficult for me to understand what it means essentially, but I like it and it makes me feel that I want to read more (Indeed, it's not enough to read just once). It is quite a long story and it has more than 900 pages! I think I need approximately one month to finish reading it.


  1. I enjoy read this blog! By the way, what do you mean “Rich life” of blog title?

    1. I don't mean that I want to be wealthy or I want a lot of money. "Rich" has other meanings and in this case, it means "very interesting and full of variety". I don't want the normal life but I need the varied life even if it's hard and difficult. I want to be surrounded by stimulation, what makes me change, what makes me try something different. It's the life, isn't it?
      Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying this blog. I'll make an effort to write more interesting and valuable articles.
