Apr 17, 2016

30 day challenge

Have you ever thought you want to habituate something you believe is good?
Have you ever thought you want to quit a habit you believe is bad?

-I have.

I always think I want to start something new to improve my life, or I want to stop a bad habit. But I find it really difficult to change the habits even though it sounds easy, and I believe so do most of you.

However it could be much easier if you try something new in a limited period. When I watched one video of TED talk, which is titled “Try something new for 30 days”, it completely changed my behavior. I think it may help your behavior too.

As Matt Cutts, the presenter of this TED talk said, the idea is very simple. You can add something you believe is good (exercise, reading books…) or subtract something you believe is bad (watching TV, smoking…).

In this way, you don’t need to think about keeping your try forever. You can just do it for only 30 days.

After this try, you may be able to keep it for a long time or you may end up with having same habits as you had before. Even if you fail, it won’t be a waste for your life. The fact you tried something to improve remains forever, and you can try another 30 day challenge anytime.

Unless you do something, nothing is ever going to change. This TED talk gave me a confidence and I am trying my 30 day challenge now.

I hope it will help your life to be improved.

Apr 15, 2016

3 years staying outside of Japan

After I resigned my job in Japan more than 3 years ago, I stayed in New Zealand for 1 year, in Australia for 2 years, and came to Canada recently.

I simple got interested in seeing other countries while I was staying in Australia, and this is the reason I decided to come to Canada believing my intention.

Thanks to a working holiday visa, I am allowed to stay wherever in Canada up to 1 year and to work full-time. I am not quite sure what I want to achieve here, but an only thing I am sure is that this experience will be fabulous.

I have spent more than 3 years in overseas so far. What I learned from my all experiences living outside of Japan is that being surrounded by people who have different cultures gives me a brand new point of view. I had never thought living outside of Japan until I decided to resign my job. I had never imagined what would affect my life by staying in other countries with using the other language.

Studying, working, travelling and living. All of these experiences in New Zealand and Australia completely changed my way of thinking. I became more optimistic than I was. I used to think my future in a pessimistic way, but now I don’t.

I came to respect and accept other opinions and cultures while I was being with people from all over the world.

How small world did I used to live in? How narrow view did I used to have? I would like to express my appreciation on all the people I got to know in these three years who helped me to change.

I’m going to write whatever I think is important. I hope my unique experiences can help somebody who has the same way of thinking like I used to have. 

Apr 12, 2016

Restart again

It might be awkward to just restart this blog like this. I was reading my previous article posted a year ago and that made me start laughing.

Despite the fact I wrote that I wanted to keep this blog to express something in English, I never did it so! It’s been a whole year, and I haven’t updated any articles at all. I actually hadn’t remembered my previous post until I recently saw it.

Nevertheless, please allow me to excuse my No intention to keep this blog. I also have another blog that I write in Japanese, and I started to update it every single day which I call “365 days Blog Marathon”. Luckily I haven’t stopped writing since I started this project because I tried to keep my motivation for writing.

So, what’s the reason I am now writing English in this blog even though I am doing crazy marathon project (I don’t think this is crazy for me, but others may do)? The reason is very simple. I finally afford to do something else as only 25 days remaining until I finish this “Marathon”.

I’ve got confidence on writing something every day in Japanese thanks to this project and it is time to step up by doing something different which is writing a blog in English frequently (I’m not going to say “every day” as I don’t believe I can keep it).

I am still wondering about what I should write about - What should be a theme of this blog. Whatever it will be, I think sharing my experience is one of my important missions of my life.

I will change the blog title and design shortly.