Feb 6, 2014

Awesome OmmWriter

In these days, I haven't uploading this blog so often. Not because I didn't have time to do it, but because I always hesitated to write an article. One reason is that it is difficult to find a topic to write about. For another reason, when I face to my laptop, I am often made to look at other softwares or windows because the laptop has lots of attractive things. I guess most of you have the experience that you can't focus on what you are doing right now because being attracted with other things on your personal computer. I am, of course, not an exception. However I finally found an excellent text editor called "OmmWriter". It  manages to make me focus on writing really well by creating a beautiful writing environment. This OmmWriter would change the frequency of uploading my blog hopefully. In this article, I am happy to introduce this brilliant text editor.

OmmWriter official website: http://www.ommwriter.com/

OmmWriter Homepage

At first, I was just wanted to find a text editor to make a draft of an article because it is inconvenient to write directly to my blog online. I sometimes failed to save the article and had to write it again from scratch. It was horrible mistake, resulted in total waste of time. To avoid this I really wanted some useful text editor. Unfortunately, pre-installed ones in the computer are not good enough to write an article. 

I found some free text editors. They must be useful, at least better than pre-installed ones. However, they didn't struck me so much probably because they are not for focusing on writing itself but for editing program languages such as C, C++, Java or HTML etc. 

Fortunately I finally found one great software for editing text. That is the "OmmWriter". Briefly speaking, it is not cutting-edge or high-tech software but is very simple. Simple enough to focus on typing. 

First of all, when you open the OmmWriter, a display comes up with FULL SCREEN so that you cannot be attracted with other windows you are opening or some other applications you can use just to click once. The only way you go through to see other things is to minimize or close the window. But you cannot see the buttons to minimize or close unless you move a mouth. Since it takes a little time to click these buttons, I am sure you rarely do that.
The display of OmmWriter - You can't see anything except for words you are writing unless you move a mouth.
Second of all, OmmWriter has background sounds and typing sounds you can choose from. The background sound makes you relaxed and the typing sound makes you eager to type more. Thanks to these sounds, I am sure you can focus on what you are doing, i.e. typing.
When you move a mouth, you can find some buttons to choose the sound or the colour etc.

Lastly, you can choose the colour of the background display. There are eight colours you can choose from and they are totally simple which means there are no textures, patterns or images at all. This also strongly affect your eyes relaxed and to focus more on typing itself.
You can choose different colour's background

As I wrote above, OmmWriter is very simple. This total simplicity affects the way you type. You cannot help but type without much thinking about other subjects. Indeed it is not free but very cheap. You can purchase this excellent software just in US$4.11 at least, it depends on how much you want to pay (you can decide how much you pay when you download). 

Needless to say, I wrote this article using OmmWriter. It is amazing. How could I expect I wrote the article so smoothly. The more I focus on writing an article, the better the quality of the article will be. I will definitely take advantage of OmmWriter to keep my blogs frequently.

If you are interested, Please check out the official website. This is worth purchasing if you really want decent text editor to be able to focus on typing whatever you want.

OmmWriter official website: http://www.ommwriter.com/

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