Dec 8, 2012


I went to DRESS SMART, which is the outlet mall in Auckland, with my friend yesterday.
It took about 30 minutes from city centre.
I think it was a bit far, but we could be eager to go there because a free shuttle bus runs regulary.
In that place, there were many stores and a variety of goods, such as cloths, shoes, accessories, daily necessities, etc. were sold cheeply.
Of cource we can have lunch at a food court.
Needless to say, such an outlet mall is popular in Japan.
Even though kind of shops, prices and assortments were very similar to Japanese ones, I could find out some really cheap goods.
What a great place to buy something with saving money!
We're going to go there again next week because we didn't have enough time to buy yesterday.
I appreciate that my friend took me there.

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